


April 26th, 2010

It had been nearly a week since the storm tore through the Vale, and Desverendi and Klavicus had only just finished clearing away the worst of it. Though while it raged the two of them had managed to stave off the total devastation that might otherwise have occurred, there was still considerable damage. The elemental druid moved through the Vale at a glacier’s pace, absorbing every out of place pebble and boulder and discharging it again into the deep places of the earth. Klavicus followed in his wake, occasionally pausing to straighten a bent but unbroken shrub or sapling or to coax a frightened animal from some hidden den but more often conferring healing and revitalization merely in his slow passing.

Exhausted from their labors, they sat at an edge of the Vale on the evening of the sixth day watching the sun sink below the horizon. Not all of the dust and sand had settled from the atmosphere, and the sky was streaked with fiery oranges and reds. “Will something like this happen every time a new piece of the Seed is mated?” Desverendi asked. Read the rest of this entry »