

A Status Report

April 24th, 2004

Glom Gargull, Glitterhame Project Engineer, reports on the disposition of personnel and goods at Khundrakar.

Dear August Personae,

Svengali and Haissha have asked me to update you on the current disposition of personnel and goods at the Glitterhame. I am pleased to report a good bit of excitement among certain segments of the dwarven community at the prospect of reclaiming Durgeddin’s legacy. Over time we would like to increase our presence here, but for now we are twenty-four strong, deployed for the following tasks:

Glitterhame restoration and maintenance:
Myself, with three assistants, and the occasional guard or forge apprentice drafted for additional labor.

Overseen by Horken, formerly apprentice to Shooma of Brindinford, now assisted by three apprentices of his own. Purcell offers a hand when he is here but is often (and is currently) travelling on other business. See enclosure for projections as to their current smithing capacity.

Fehten Loderr serves as captain of the Glitterhame guard, with a small but disciplined force of 10. Although the Glitterhame itself is readily defensible, seeing to the security of the entirety of Khundrakar is a somewhat daunting task, as we would rather repel intruders some distance before the Iron Door. (Captain Loderr wishes me to add that he is greatly disturbed by the continued presence of the roper, Yik Loply, and would like to know your long-term intentions toward the creature).

Hala Stonefist, venerable cleric of Moradin, oversees the domestic staff of 4 and tends to our spiritual well-being. He has also been dealing with the apparition Arundil, which still haunts the foundry. Captain Loderr was in favor of destroying it, but it seems to want something in particular to be at peace, and if it is in our power to grant it Hala would prefer to do so. We can’t have it wandering all over the Glitterhame, but after he consecrated the area in front of the old shrine a few times and turned it whenever it set foot across the threshold, it got the message and stays put. That’s not a long-term solution, of course. Do you know what it wants?

I have also taken the liberty of retaining the services of Artin Ungart, a well-respected dwarven trapmaker. She has provided an estimate for rearming the existing traps, and she and Captain Loderr have been discussing possible deployment of additional traps in strategic locations.

The accompanying document summarizes projected expenses and potential sources of income. I would appreciate responses to the items requiring approval as soon as possible, so that I may expedite repairs and improvements. I appreciate that you are very busy, but the longer we delay on some of these issues, the greater the risk to which the Glitterhame is exposed.

May your axes stay sharp,

Glom Gargull, Glitterhame Project Engineer


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