

Nurn’s Farewell

June 27th, 2004

The best death slaad friend an adventurer could ever have says goodbye. (sab)

I wish I had had time to say goodbye. But above and beyond the fact that I hate farewells, I truly had no choice. When I pulled the symbol out of its magical hideaway in my cloak, it burned more than I could have imagined. Snapping it eased that pain but also brought a new one. As the tendrils of force, released by my action, reached out to ensnare Ammet they also reached deep into my soul and yanked me back to whence I came. It is good that Magnus was not standing too nearby. I believe that his soul too would have found these lines to be anathema.

Strangely, though, time seemed to slow as I passed from the world of the Bastion, and in so passing saw five points of brilliant energy. They spoke to me and granted me a strange gift. It is ironic that I, who know so much about Death have been infused with the very power of Life itself. Old wounds and scars have even begun to heal so that in time perhaps I shall look like a fresh-faced Green.

I do not believe in the “fair” fight, but in survival. I do not believe in honor and duty, but in the freedom to chose. And yet, to those who brought me back from death not once but twice, at great peril to themselves, I owe Grash n’a, the soul gift. This debt will be paid. But first, there must be another reckoning. Whereas once I found my employer’s schizophrenia amusing, the prospect of meeting him now fills me with the greatest dread…

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