


August 20th, 2004

Mordenkainen expresses displeasure over the party’s wanton elimination of evil on the face of Oerth. (sab)

Tenser and Mordenkainen listen in awe as you tick through your losses: Magnus dead, Serge dead, Bane down, Psydney frozen in stasis, Enai paralyzed, many magical items destroyed. Only Kuhlefaran remained virtually untouched due to her creation of a powerful shield of anti-magic, but in so doing negated her own potent powers.

They cannot believe that you survived. You recount the slaying of Arcturgis, the Great White Wyrm, largest of his kind known to exist, but they return always to the battle with the Witchking.

Given the pain that still lingers in your limbs, it is hard to remember that it could have been worse – that had you not destroyed the Wyrm first, he would surely have joined battle. Had you angered the erudite demon, you would almost certainly have fled, or not be talking to the two mages today.

What you did not know was that the destruction of the Witchking was an ongoing debate within the Circle of Eight as well as its former member. To Tenser, your experience is total vindication that the forces of Good can triumph; that self-sacrifice benefits all. To Mordenkainen, it is proof that powerful forces should be contained, not confronted – for if you had not prevailed, what then? Oerth would have lost some of its most powerful defenders, and the power of the Witchking would have grown yet further.

“Your actions were precipitous, and irresponsible,” he says. “Your duty should be to all Oerth. The Circle must be informed of your decisions so that we may consider the ramifications. Look at what the slaying of Grandfather truly accomplished.” He describes the chaos that currently threatens Greyhawk: how, with the removal of the Grandfather of Assassins, individual Assassin guilds have been striking each other, striving for ascendancy; how the Thieves’ Guild, seeing a weakness in this otherwise competing group have been using events to expand their territory; how the Beggars’ Guild, seeing their erstwhile roguish foes distracted have done the same; how the Scouts’ and Wayfarers’ and Wizards’ Guilds, seeing the general unrest and confusion, have locked their doors and closed for business.

Mordenkainen continues. “You are a remarkably powerful group. You have done that which the Eight have feared to do. We are in your debt, and we freely admit this. But now you must join a larger cause, and learn to stay your hand, for even the wisest cannot always foresee the consequences of even their smallest actions.”

This last comment brings Tenser from smirks to outright rage. “We should all sit in our hidey holes and ignore the world, you mean! Damn you! You would sit and watch as the world is taken by flame! I will not. I cannot. Inaction has let the disease spread. These people have given their lives, many times, for your benefit. A pat on the back, then a stern father-to-son speech is the best you can do? No, no and no! A thousand times, no! They have been blessed by the Gods themselves, but the great Mordenkainen holds them in contempt! What arrogance! What foolishness! What cowardice!”

The last word hangs in the air like a blade. Mordenkainen reddens, then tries to compose himself. He turns his back on Tenser and speaks directly to the rest of you. “Even the Gods compete, suffer vanity, act foolishly. We are Men. We must act as Men, not as pawns – of the Gods, or of other Men. I utter my own prophecy this day: Tenser will cause the destruction of the world; not by passively acting to prevent it, not by responding to a true threat, but by actively desiring it, deep within his heart, by clutching, greedily, to grasp and protect the world as if it were a delicate egg, fallen from a nest. But the world is far more fragile than even the frailest of eggs and his rough grasp will crush, not save. I have said my piece. Goodbye, and farewell. For the sake of us all.” He vanishes.

Tenser waits in silence for a bit, a bit taken aback by the force of Mordenkainen’s words. He speaks, quietly. “Please, I beg you, do not listen to his words. Your quest is important. The destruction of the Wand of Orcus will directly remove much that is malignant on this, and many other planes. I do not deny the danger. You step into the heart and soul of Demonkind. The peril is great, and you will place your very souls in jeopardy, but the rewards are even greater. You can succeed, if you prepare, and prepare well. Any assistance you need that is mine to give – advice, knowledge, material items, anything – I give freely. Contact me in my keep when you are ready.” A faint blue shimmer appears, and Tenser vanishes as well.

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